ILNH Endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris

Press Release:
July 28, 2024

Indivisible Lambertville New Hope (ILNH) announces that they have endorsed Kamala Harris to be the Democratic nominee for the 2024 election. The endorsement is based on input from an
overwhelming majority of their constituents. The ILNH Leadership Team laid out a three part case for endorsement of Vice President Harris.

Firstly, Kamala Harris has been a key partner to the unprecedented success of the Biden administration. The American Rescue plan, The Infrastructure Act, The Chips & Science Act, The Inflation Reduction Act – just to name a few. VP Harris has provided an unwavering commitment to equality, justice, and freedom, including women's reproductive freedom. During her time in the Senate she cosponsored legislation to expand abortion rights and served on the Judiciary Committee - where she made Brett Kavanaugh cry.

Second, Vice President Harris’s experience as the former district attorney of San Francisco and attorney general of California makes her uniquely qualified to litigate the campaign against a twice-impeached felon who wants to throw out the Constitution and be a dictator on day one. She truly is a Law and Order Candidate.

Lastly, VP Harris is smart, quick and will be able to shine a spotlight on Donald Trump’s incompetence, his inability to tell the truth and his fascist vision for the future. In order to win in 2024, getting the same voters we had in 2020 will not be enough. We need to attract key constituencies who don’t typically turn out. Gen Z, Gen X and Millennials are three groups that we need to turn out, as well as independent and Republican women who support reproductive health rights. Vice President Harris has already received the endorsement of gun control advocate David Hogg, challenging his over one million followers to raise funds for Harris and based on the number of new voter registrations since Biden’s endorsement of the VP we can already see evidence that she will do this.

ILNH is part of the nationwide Indivisible movement to defend democracy. Their mission is to educate, motivate and activate constituents in the work to restore, preserve and extend democratic rights for all citizens. They seek to provide the community with the resources, power and opportunities that encourage and enable sustained engagement in all levels of democracy. Visit to find out more information.

Assassination attempt on Trump

On Saturday July 13, 2024, an assassination attempt was made on former President Donald Trump. It was a shock to the system. Political violence is morally repugnant no matter who is the perpetrator and who is the victim. We're at a boiling point in this country. We know the stakes that another Trump term poses to us all, but violence is never the answer. At this time, please be alert to social media misinformation and conspiracy theories. It will do us no good in our fight to save our democracy. Keep focused on what we CAN do, which is canvassing, phone banking, writing postcards to low turnout voters, talking to people etc. We don't have long until the general election (Nov. 5) people. Go forth and fight peacefully for our democracy!

Your Congressman is no moderate, no matter how often he says he is.