Contributed by Paige Barnett. According to Trump, the United States needs a border wall between us and Mexico for reasons…
Contributed by Paige Barnett. According to Trump, the United States needs a border wall between us and Mexico for reasons…
DONATE TODAY: Please support ILNH by donating today through ActBlue. All donations received between April 1- May 31 will be doubled by Indivisible National! Money raised goes to our deep canvassing efforts, community gatherings, outreach efforts and GOTV activities. DONATE TODAY by clicking here!
COMING SOON! View the Lambertville Mayoral Candidates’ Forum in preparation for the June 8th NJ Primary Election. Videos to be posted May 10th.
Since democracy depends on the active participation of the people in politics and civic life, ILNH encourages all of its constituents, leaders and board members to learn about and support those candidates whose policies and views they share. However, any such partisan campaign activity by ILNH constituents, leaders and board members shall represent the individual choices and opinions of private citizens and not the views or endorsements of the ILNH organization.
New to Deep Canvassing?
Join seasoned deep canvassers for an introduction to the technique. Build connections to voters to help Indivisible Lambertville/New Hope to Get Out The Vote!
This zoom-based training is split over two consecutive Thursday nights, with actual canvass opportunities each month. Make sure to sign up for both Part I and Part II.
Have you already taken Deep Canvassing Training?
For those of you who have already taken the training and want to further craft your story and/or practice your story within a script, feel free to register for Part II.
Questions? The website, Changing the Conversation, has a terrific explanation! Other questions?? Please email us ( and an experienced deep canvasser will be happy to talk with you in greater detail.
Virtual Deep Canvass Training Part I: Thursday, February 15, 7 – 9pm: Register
Virtual Deep Canvass Training Part II: Thursday, Feb 22, 7:00pm-9:00pm: Register
Wednesday, November 17, 2021 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM ET
Find out what redistricting means, why you should care and what we can do, from testifying at public hearings, using traditional and social media to let journalists and representatives on the redistricting commission know that NJ CD07 will NOT be a ‘sacrificial lamb’ in a Republican power play.
Monday, October 24th. Event Sign up.
Canvassing time is 4-5:30 and the dance party is 6-8pm. When signing up, you will need to indicate whether you are able to come to one or both. Volunteers needed for Indivisible Lambertville New Hope (ILNH‘s) Knock-Every-Door! Get Out the Vote event in Lambertville, NJ. In 2020, Lambertville had a 74% voter turnout. That’s pretty good compared to the national average of 66% – but let’s face it folks, we can do better! This year, with so much at stake, if we can drive up voter turnout in Lambertville, everyone wins! Knock-Every-Door is one of the ways we hope to bring Lambertville voter turnout to the 80 or 90% range! ILNH thinks we can do it, but only with your help! New Jersey has early voting, mail in ballots, and same-day voting on November 8. We want to make sure people know all of their options. We are going to knock on the door of every single voter in Lambertville to remind them to vote and to let them know their options! We need 50 to 100 volunteers for about two hours on Monday, October 24 and then we will celebrate our efforts at a dance party after. Can you help us get this done? Goals: #1: To canvass! We will knock on doors in Lambertville. We will share information about how to vote and encourage voters to vote by returning ballots, by early voting, and by voting in person on election day. **Canvassers will pick up their packets at Sharon Hallanan‘s house between 4 PM and 5:30 PM. Address: 121 North Main St., Lambertville, NJ. ** #2: To party! After the canvass, volunteers will come to a dance party to celebrate voting, and the people who promote it! The dance party will be at the Hibernia fire house from 6 PM to 8 PM. Food will be served. Address: 36 S. Main St., Lambertville, NJ.
Attention! We have decided to postpone today’s Deadline for Democracy event in Lambertville until Wednesday, July 7. We want to have a great turnout and high visibility without putting our Democracy Defenders at risk.
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