1. Donate with ActBlue! (preferred method)
  2. (Credit or Debit card option also available within Paypal)
  3. Use Venmo to donate from any mobile device (@Indi_Lville_NewHope).
  4. Donate cash or by check: We gladly accept donations by check or cash (for which we are charged no fees). Make a check out to “ILNH” and mail it (or the cash) to:  ILNH, Indivisible Lambertville/New Hope PO Box 35, Lambertville, NJ 08530.  If sending cash, please include a note with your name and contact info on it.

Indivisible Lambertville / New Hope is a 501(c)(4) organization and contributions are not tax-deductible; they support our effective, citizen-based advocacy and lobbying efforts. Read more about us and our Mission, Vision & Values.