Moving into 2019, Indivisible Lambertville / New Hope will be introducing Springboard Meetings – a salon-style gathering or pop-up training that will be separate from our monthly Community Gatherings. The purpose is to delve more deeply into the issues our constituents identified as most important at the November meeting and collaborate on actions to support desired outcomes in the government. The Springboard Meetings will feature a subject matter expert on a particular topic who will educate us and encourage discussion. Attendees will crowdsource ideas for ILNH’s actions on the issue, based on the tactics recommended by Indivisible’s 2.0 Guides.
These meetings will be a great place to learn and develop actionable ideas, as well as spend time with other ILNH folks interested in the issue (and we know how much we love our social time). Upcoming topics include budget process and legislative cycles, environmental issues, immigration, and healthcare.
We’re currently sourcing venues and looking for people interested in taking lead roles for Issue Coordinators and Activators. Issue Coordinators would take the lead on a particular issue, identify and schedule a subject matter expert and work with them for the two-hour session. Issue coordinators would also provide a brief overview of the topic – why it’s important, etc. to share at the Community Gathering. Activators would take the ideas and actions coming out of the meeting, recruit and motivate the larger ILNH folks to engage in support of the action. For instance, ideas may range from postcard parties, calls to or meetings with Congressional representatives, local public actions/protests, etc. Â
For more information on what the role entails, please check out the Google Doc here: Role Description and Resources for Issue Coordinators and Activators. If interested, please contact Sarah Gold.