Winter is Coming Survival Guide

Contributed by Amara Willey.

As the impeachment hearings progress and we continue to narrow the field of presidential challengers, we may feel some stress from all the news coming our way. It’s always important to fill our own wells before we try to pour it out for others or the causes we support and volunteer for. Here’s your winter guide to well-being.

  1. Earth – While it may be too cold to stick our toes in the dirt at this time of year, it can be very peaceful to look at nature. Make a point of driving back roads so you can see the ever-changing scenery. Put a screensaver on your computer that displays beautiful natural scenes.
  2. Air – Take walks outside when the weather permits and breathe the crisp, cool air. Practice conscious breathing. Notice your breath at least three times a day – before or after meals if you have trouble remembering. Try slowing your breathing once a day. Breathe in four counts, hold seven counts, and breathe out eight counts. Do that for a minute or two.
  3. Water – Contemplate your inner world. Meditate and center yourself. Remember you are like a snowflake on the vast planet – unique and indivisible. Put up a photo of a snowflake or fountain and just be with it. Take a long bath and let the water soak away your troubles. Imagine them going down the drain.
  4. Fire – Sit in front of an outdoor bonfire or inside by a fireplace. Watch the flames and be grateful for how warm and cozy you are.
  5. Spirit — Speaking of gratitude, tell someone how grateful you are for them. Write down 10 things you are grateful for every day, either first thing in the morning or right before you go to bed. 

For more ideas about how to de-stress this season, check out

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