Indivisible Lambertville/New Hope announced our candidate endorsements for the November 2022 election. Thanks to all of you who responded to the proposed slate – the votes were nearly unanimous across the board. Congratulations to Tom Malinowski (NJ CD7), Josh Shapiro, (PA governor), John Fetterman (US Senate PA), and Ashley Ehasz (PA CD1)!
The endorsements are not simply a matter of our constituents’ vote and a press release, however. It’s a commitment on behalf of our organization to help folks find their way to volunteer opportunities that can help to get these worthy candidates elected. ILNH has a reach of nearly 1800 people, and it’s absolutely necessary to muster the power of our like-minded constituents in the interest of saving, restoring and expanding our democracy.
We had 80 people registered for Thursday night’s Emergency Response Community Gathering, hearing about the importance of claiming our power and using it to fight back against those who would undermine democracy to limit – or eliminate altogether – voting rights, reproductive rights, LGBTQ rights, worker rights, and more.
Claiming our power takes effort. Marches, rallies and protests are one thing, but at the end of the day, change happens when we elect the people who align with our values. It’s critical to elect leaders we trust to do the right thing who have the courage to do it even when the odds are against them. We believe that Tom, Josh, John and Ashley are those kinds of people.
This is an all-hands on deck moment. We ask you to add Get Out The Vote (GOTV) activities into your schedule on a regular basis. We challenge all of our activist community to get busy, to work hard between now and November. Canvass, phonebank, text bank, donate, etc. Get a sturdy pair of shoes and get out in the street. Get your family and neighbors involved.
Channel your fury and let’s expand the Democratic majority in the House and Senate so we don’t have to worry about Sinema and Manchin thwarting important legislation supported by the American public, or the minority leader McConnell filibustering every debate that might show up as a positive point for President Biden. Hell, let’s eliminate the filibuster!
We can only do that if YOU show up. And bring your friends.