Contributed by Deb Kline.
The big stand out for me this year was how fierce and unapologetic Indivizzies are about their love of democracy and humanity. It makes them brave and generous and it makes me believe that virtually anything is possible. Cindi Sternfeld
What stood out for me was that every time I felt despair over the direction that T45, McConnell and Ryan and his evil, inept cabinet were taking our country, there was this team of dedicated Americans that took our values seriously. That our hard work could make a difference. That all over the country, we the majority rejected hate, ignorance and fear. That I in my somewhat crippled state could work to help save our democracy. Priceless. Elycia Lerman
I have been extremely thankful for the grounding effect this group has on my jangled psyche. I learn something (about myself, how to approach or frame an issue, how to be considerate of other viewpoints) at every LT meeting as we discuss, from our disparate backgrounds, matters that are important to us and to our work. ILNH has allowed me to feel good about my contributions to the resistance – beyond the fact that I’m doing SOMETHING, to the fact that I’m part of group that does lots of somethings to good effect. Thank you all. Karen Mitchell
I was warmed by all the new people who got involved with the election this year, and the not-new people who came back again & again. We’re unstoppable, and we’re caring and smart and funny, and we’re unstoppable. Olga Vannucci
Over the past year, I’ve been so grateful to be part of the ILNH community and have been continually inspired by the level of our constituents’ commitment to our country, positive change, and each other. Sarah Gold
I am honored to have spent 2018 with a group of fierce and tenacious activists who have fought tirelessly and succeeded in making real change in our country. Hats off to you my friends! Grateful for each and every one of you. Liz Peer
Although I live very nearby, I feel isolated in my “red dot in a blue state.” I found a community that motivated me, inspired me to act – more than I ever have and I made beautiful friendships along the way. Beautiful. Nancy Boelter
My first meeting was December 2017. Cindi had on her famous red shoes. First I thought, “ I’m gonna like this chick.” But more importantly (and even though I was already motivated to become more engaged as a activist) it was something Cindi said that struck a chord with me, she said something to the effect, “Don’t wait for someone to show up and do the work because that someone you’re waiting for is you.” Well, dang. I was all in. And I love all of you for your zeal and commitment to a more humane and just world. Peace. Paige Barnett
Amazed that providing community the space and direction enabled more political activation than seen in years, or decades. We all worked in a integrated process that promoted optimism and empowerment. Diane Abatemarco
We didn’t know if it would work – but we needed to try. I don’t know if I would have done half as much as I did if I didn’t feel the force of the ILNH community with me. On the second Sunday before the election, I took an early shift to canvass. There were only two groups that came at that time but we went on knocking on doors and, greeting people in pajamas excited to cast a Blue vote. Then, on returning to the staging site for the noon shift, the weary back road was jammed with cars like rush hour on Rt. 78. Carloads of people pulling in to get their marching orders. I yelped and cried. I knew we won, regardless of the outcome of the election (although I still held my breath). We won because you all believed in the Blue Wave and knew that each of us played a critical role. Love wins. We win when love wins. Deb Kline