Contributed by Deb Kline. The National Labor Relations Act, signed by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1935, was a response to bad corporate behavior during the Great Depression. As unemployment deepened in the early 1930s, ...
Contributed by Amara Willey. Although fair pay and minimum wage legislation would likely help our economy, Republicans continue to block Federal protections that would eliminate gender and race discrimination in pay rates and wages or ...
 Contributed by Olga Vanucci. Fifty years ago, nearly a third of U.S. workers belonged to a union. Today, it’s one in 10. On average, a worker covered by a union contract earns 13% more in ...
Contributed by Elaine Clisham. As if this year’s decennial census didn’t have enough challenges — the first census conducted largely online, delays in systems security testing, budget shortfalls, the court fight over the citizenship question ...
While much of our ILNH mission calls on us to demonstrably support or oppose political actions or proposals in or out of sync with our values, there are times when a true hands-on, material approach ...
Contributed by Deb Kline. “THIS IS RIDICULOUS” Sign held by a Milwaukee voter waiting to cast an in-person ballot after SCOTUS’ ruling declined to extend absentee voting deadlines.   Truer words were never spoken. Never mind ...
Contributed by Deb Kline. States currently have total control over how and when elections are held. While many eyes are on the proposal for national voting changes due to the coronavirus before the US Congress, ...
To understand gerrymandering is to understand REDMAP, the concerted effort by the Republican State Leadership Committee of the United States to increase Republican control of Congress, as well as state legislators by controlling electoral boundaries ...