February 2022 Reboot Newsletter

Indivisible Lambertville / New Hope Community Gathering
3-4:30 pm Sunday, February 27, 2022
Save Democracy with Actions that Matter
Register for the Zoom link here

You’re Invited! Please Watch the Video and Join Us!

From the Editor:

Remember when we thought that electing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, getting McConnell out as Majority Leader and keeping a Democrat majority in the House would mean democracy was safe, and we could relax and focus on enacting progressive legislation?  

About that…

In December 2021, IDEA International labeled the US a backsliding democracy. In January, we saw the defeat of the Freedom to Vote: John Lewis Voting Rights bill and filibuster reform by the entire Republican block of Senators plus two conservative Democrats. While the House Special Select Committee investigating the January 6 insurrection continues to uncover astonishing information about the breadth and depth of corruption involved in the attempt to overturn the election, nearly two dozen states continue to push close to 400 bills that will ultimately undermine the will of the people and voice of the majority vote. 

Clearly, our work isn’t done. 

To meet the moment, Indivisible Lambertville / New Hope (ILNH) made changes to address a more pointed focus. Our overarching drive and energy is directed towards Saving Democracy and addressing the multiple elements that stand for or stand in the way of a democratic government that is accessible and responsive to everyone. Under this heading, we’ve established four Action Groups:

  • Saving Democracy and Voting Rights: Legislation to protect the vote, fighting all forms of voter suppression, redistricting/gerrymandering. Addressing filibuster reform, dark money, money in politics, electoral college and electoral count reform
  • Get Out the Vote (GOTV): Increasing voter awareness and participation at the grass roots level, training for canvassing, phone and text banking
  • Good Information / Fighting Disinformation: Indivisible Truth Brigade, shining a light on disinformation
  • Building Community (aka the Fun Brigade): Increasing engagement and participation among the ILNH community  

Secondly, our tagline has changed to Educate, Motivate and Activate, indicating how we align the efforts that support our goal of Saving Democracy. There will be resources and opportunities to learn, grow, and participate in our grassroots drive to build a healthy, equitable democracy where every voice matters. 

We are also excited to have a reinvigorated leadership team, welcoming new and returning members, who bring energy and ideas. We’re excited that Cindi Sternfeld is back at the helm, and happy to see Caroline Armstrong, Elizabeth O’Donnell, Shara Durkee, Sharon Hallanan, Cyndy Jahn, Alison Levine, and Olga Vannucci join (or re-join) the team. Many hands make light work, and there’s nothing like lifting together to build a stronger organization and new friendships. If you are interested in joining the leadership team or leading an action, reach out – we have plenty of room at the table.

Finally, please join us and learn more about ILNH 2.0 at the Community Gathering on February 27. We need you in this fight to Save Democracy – a motivated, grassroots army of activists who love this country and are loathe to see it fall into the hands of authoritarians who threaten the fundamental right to vote and will manipulate boundaries, people and processes in a play to hold onto power at any cost – rather than adhere to the will of the people and respond to their needs. 

Are you fired up? Are you ready? We need you because there’s lots of work to do. 

Leadership Team: Diane Abatemarco, Caroline Armstrong, Nancy Barich, Paige Barnett, Elaine Clisham, Shara Durkee, Sharon Hallanan, Cyndy Jahn, Charmaine Jordan, Mary Jane Legere, Elycia Lerman, Alison Levine, Deb Kline, Karen Mitchell, Elizabeth O’Donnell, Cindi Sternfeld, Olga Vannucci

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